Sounds delightful

By Anonymous - 23/01/2023 17:30 - Australia

Today, a client came in to pay for her storage unit, and like every other time she comes in, she lifted up her shirt and practically showed me her boobs. This lady is in her 70s and is morbidly obese. Oh, and she also told me that the Nazis had the right idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 948
You deserved it 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is sexual harassment and I feel like you should tell *somebody*.

You have a member of the master race hitting on you, don't let that one get away.


That is sexual harassment and I feel like you should tell *somebody*.

You have a member of the master race hitting on you, don't let that one get away.

Nazis are hacks and plagiarists! Titty flashes were around way before the Nazis and they are not their original idea!

So if she'd been in her 20s or 30s and skinny, this would have been okay?