Silver linings

By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor and found out that I am infertile. When I called my boyfriend of 2 years, with whom I was hoping to have a future, to talk to him about it, all he said was, "So does this mean I don't have to wear a condom anymore?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 129
You deserved it 7 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was pretty insensitive if he knew you wanted to have kids. Although the no condom thing is good news.

He's just looking on the positive side


3mikey1 9

Well, on the bright side it sounds like you are still together!

Well, my brother's wife was told she was infertile... and now we have a three-week-old baby in our home. There can still be hope. :) But there are still options, and there are pleny of cute kids (and some ugly ones) that need to be adopted... go child shopping!

Sounds exactly like my boyfriend. I would be so upset, and he'd think it's cool that he wouldn't have to wear a condom.

is there a better response? you're infertile, no can adopt...

ZiggyMorrison 0

109 gotchya and 95/98 go **** yourself, what are you a cocks with legs? are you not capable of any human emotion what does your chick see in you I can understand what you would mean about going to a girlfriend about vay jay jay problems IF SHE WASNT IN A ******* RELATIONSHIP but she is and thats where you have to be a big boy and provide emotional support for her no matter what it is do you get squemish when she says shes on her period? suck it up buttercup and grow a pair and dont bring down the Y chromosome with you there are lots of guys capable of being sensitive and understanding of how a women is feeling its not that hard I do it all the time my three best friends are women and I'm always there to listen thats what being a mans about responsibility dipshit

This is not a fml. You are just a whiny ******* baby.

Sleepwalker418 0

Males that can't reproduce are sterile. Females who can't reproduce are called infertile. Duh. Simple science.