Silver linings

By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor and found out that I am infertile. When I called my boyfriend of 2 years, with whom I was hoping to have a future, to talk to him about it, all he said was, "So does this mean I don't have to wear a condom anymore?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 129
You deserved it 7 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was pretty insensitive if he knew you wanted to have kids. Although the no condom thing is good news.

He's just looking on the positive side


That's just guy talk for "I'm sorry honey, we'll figure it out". Don't worry. Enjoy the no-condom situation!

im sorry but that is a typical guy for you! i have to agree that it is totally FML!

Ender_ 0

Sucks you can't have kids, but at least he's looking on the bright side of things. He could have just left you. You still have a future together of awesome sex without condoms.

@ #148...if only your mother took that same approach, then there would be one less insensitive douchebag to make such a comment. It's a biological imperative to want to procreate, dipshit. That's how the human race evolves and continues to survive.

lalosaa 0

i'm sorryy ): but there is always adoption, and at least he was looking on the bright side?

im sry. and i giess it was insensitive. but i dont see how this affects ur relationship... u still love each other right? this things will work themselves out in time. things cud have been so much worse... thifml deserves a "so what option"

im sry. and i giess it was insensitive. but i dont see how this affects ur relationship... u still love each other right? this things will work themselves out in time. things cud have been so much worse... thifml deserves a "so what option"

That is horrible. I know alot of people wont understand this but its a horrible thing to hear that your never going to be able to have children again. This is definetly a FYL.