Shady stuff

By NoDocVisit - 27/07/2016 02:27 - United States - Parrish

Today, I found out why my husband doesn't want me to go to the doctor. It's not because of the reasonable copay. It's because he has let 3 other women use my insurance to give birth, in the last 4 years. They are all his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 151
You deserved it 1 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is so wrong on your partner's part. How did he even get away with it?

ShortieRose 30

Oh, OP, I am so sorry that this is happening to you. At least you found out now and not years from now. I suppose it's time for you to have a serious talk and make some big decisions.


Wowzers! That's some major betrayal. I'm not one of those who says "ditch him" because he farted once, back in 1985, but here you really might want to consider whether he's worth it!

and now you turn him in for insurance fraud

3 other women? 3 secret children? darling, nothing he can offer you is worth your self respect. you deserve to be loved and respected and it doesn't appear your husband does either. save yourself anymore heartache from this egomaniac and ditch the dickweed. stay strong

This is one of the most disgusting things I've ever read.

I sincerely hope that this man won't be your husband for much longer. Better things on the horizon, OP

life should've been a video game , kill him and no worries

Wow, that is definitely a case of insurance fraud and a cause to divorce the guy. How on earth did he get away with it for four years? I'm sorry you ended up with such a shitbag husband. (I also feel sorry for the three other women he knocked up; who knows what lies he was telling them.)

Does he also pay them child support? This is so ****** up. I can't even.

please finish your sentences. "I can't even." is not correct.

oh no they referenced a popular internet meme of I can't even. Clearly an opportunity to try to portray a engorged sense of self importance by correcting. *slow clap*