
By Whitley - 04/11/2010 15:17 - United States

Today, I made salmon patties and boiled cabbage. I smelled smoke from my stove burner, but thought I spilled something in the burner. No big deal. Later, this horrible smell started coming from the stove. My husband took the stove apart, only to find that I had fried a mouse as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 489
You deserved it 4 078

Same thing different taste

Top comments

salmon patties and boiled cabbage... That was you're first mistake...

You fried a mouse? That's disgusting! What the hell is wrong with you, you ******* sicko??! You should have sauteed it in lemon butter with some shallots and garlic. Dumbass.


eww thats gross fml(f the mouses' life) aww poor mouse :(

don't throw it out, be nice and feed a homeless man

Had the same trouble with my moms stove once, gawd those little buggers can sure stink it up.

That horrible smell was the odor of the chemical Putrescene.

restythestar 0

wait a minute... did you say "boiled cabbage"??? what kind of human eat that shit? lol