Hairy situation

By hair today gone tomorrow - 22/04/2022 19:00 - United States

Today, a guy I liked came to pick me up for our first date. As he opened the car door, I noticed nearly an inch of dog hair on every surface of the interior. Not wanting to get it all over me, I asked if we could take my car instead. He was so “insulted” he drove off and left me standing there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 285
You deserved it 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll be he was... ...wait on it... ...furry-ous.

Do you not like shag carpeting? His is made of real fur.


I'll be he was... ...wait on it... ...furry-ous.

I guess he likes it doggystyle...I'll show myself out.

Do you not like shag carpeting? His is made of real fur.

Well his car is gross. So I do not see a fml.