
By Anonymous - 14/09/2011 09:55 - United States

Today, I paid a repairman $65 to come to my house to fix my washer. He walked in, looked at the washer, bent over and removed a large steel bolt with a bright red tag sticking out the side that said, "Remove before use." He then looked at me and said, "All fixed." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 374
You deserved it 45 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet when you got a computer you called tech support because it wasn't turning on...because you didn't plug it in.


olpally 32

More like what a waste of $65.. Ydi op...

MissBunnyWillEat 11

"Here I am sitting in my Aqua-Jet 3000 eating my usual breakfast of steak, waffles, and scotch." Anyways, back to the FML. OP, observation is a good thing to have. At least you gave him a good story to tell.

fakeaccountX 6

Repair man service: $65 Common sense: Priceless

MissBunnyWillEat 11

49- okay! Once upon a time I met a pussy called urdirtyolduncle. The end.

In case you're blind, it's a dog-- not a pussy cat.

SemperFi_23 6

MissBunny, how could you forget to add that the pussy ate it's own shit?

MissBunnyWillEat 11

I must give you props for that comment, Gaylord. Now , move along. Go be a bitch to someone else.

I bet you don't have any friends miss bunny.

olpally 32

Personally, i think it would have been funnier if the repairman couldnt find that either.

That's why you always read the instructions

nah all washers have that. It's a transportation saftey thing

MizzErikaHart 8

Yea the repair man shoukd still be paid it's not the repair mans fault you're retarded and had an easy fix.

ever hear of an instruction book? oh yeah FIRST.

I bet when you got a computer you called tech support because it wasn't turning on...because you didn't plug it in.

The response would be; "Have you tried resetting it?"

tsim_fml 0

hahaha jokes on him. he had to pay taxes and for the phone bill

astarazhna 1

Haha my thoughts exactly. Being slightly observant = win

...anddd what do you use? Your neighbor's kiddie pool? 0_o

7 probably still has his mommy wash his clothes

I have your mom wash my clothes. after she makes me a sandwich.

iparker97 0
dopesanju 0
RedPillSucks 31

Da xlater be brokin capn. Ah canna unnr stnd!

Look on the internet first. Then call if you can find it.

You should give him a dollar and say "All paid."

The standard charge for a repair man to come to someone's house is 65$ Good luck giving him 1$ smart ass

exoticDeath 20

Honestly if I was a repairman I would not charge someone full price because they're oblivious enough not to take the very obvious bolt out. OP should not have paid full price for that; the guy that charged her just doesn't care I guess.