Remember this?

By notanerd - 09/03/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I have to spend over an hour at a Gamestop so my boyfriend can get his 'Final Fantasy' game at midnight. I'm tired, I don't want to stand around any more, and all the people around around me are debating superheroes. I'm living in an episode of 'The Big Bang Theory.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 622
You deserved it 38 312

Same thing different taste


LIVING in an episode of the big bang theory? most u visited it for a few hours, you whiny bitch. you LIVE in an episode of 'my boyfriend likes things normal guys like, but i dont want to support it, cuz im a selfish asshole'.

So.. try a video game instead of being such a bitch? I'm a gigantic nerd and I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

Go Final Fantasy! YDI for being a bitch about the Big Bang people, but FYL for having a boyfriend that shops for video games with you. Unless, of course, you both like video games. Then you just deserve it.

Quit being a bitch and walk home no better take his car home geeez some people

skeleton_skinner 0
Sun_Kissed18 25

Sounds like my kinda place :D get used to it. You have a nerd boyfriend, things are bound to happen like that so deal with it or he will find a new, nerdy girlfriend

bugmenotmofo 34

so go home bitch. STFU and make him a sammich.

allstarz_fml 2

20: Couldn't have put it better myself!

Amortentia 0

Can't a guy have some fun? Geez. My bf & I both had to work tonight so we're BOTH going tomorrow so he can get his copy of the game, I'm going to put more money on the games I pre-ordered and were both going to be happy. So yes, FYL because you don't just get over it.

Just remember this day next time you get annoyed because he complains about you taking him round clothing stores.

you got 2 legs use them. and personally I would love to live in an episode of big ban theory that show is boss And your a bitch

then go home u stupid bitch and dont whine god i hope ur bf breaks up with u if ur always like this