Remember this?

By notanerd - 09/03/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I have to spend over an hour at a Gamestop so my boyfriend can get his 'Final Fantasy' game at midnight. I'm tired, I don't want to stand around any more, and all the people around around me are debating superheroes. I'm living in an episode of 'The Big Bang Theory.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 622
You deserved it 38 312

Same thing different taste


What, a whole hour? Yeah, you're a bitch. Are you telling us you've never made your boyfriend go shopping with you for things you like? By the way, The Big Bang Theory is awesome.

MrAdventure 1

I think you are mistaken. The Gamestops around here show clips from TBBT.

It's Final Fantasy! Stop bitching and suck it up.

mrzero 0

stop bitching. if don't like just say no. and tell he need's get a ****** life

On behalf of all the nerd girls out there, I'd like to revoke your other X chromosome. You're just making girls look bad; you don't deserve it.

lol I was at the EB Games on Mavis in Missisauga last night :) got my copy, mini strategy guide and poster ! yeye !

Waiting an hour for a game is not a big deal. Quit bitching, no one forced you to go.

catastrophicsock 0

Oh you poor thing. -_- STFU. No one said you HAD to go with. Quit whining, those things never take that long. Why would you agree to go if you are obviously not at all interested? You make all girls look bad you whining bitch.

samxthebeat 0

big bang theory is effing awesome. ydi.

Yea, YDI. You shouldn't diss Big Bang Theroy!

Hi Penny! haha, you shouldn't complain about us nerds too much, at least he wanted you to come