
By Bubbah - 15/03/2009 04:32 - United States

Today, I was working my job checking people in at the gym. A sweaty, chubby woman came up to me complaining about how our staff seems so fit. I replied, "We like to hire people who have bodies that motivate our clients!" She gave a blank stare, then said, "So how did you get the job?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 903
You deserved it 15 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Perhaps their only other option looked like you, ma'am."


Haha. Maybe she was just jealous of your plumpyness

I sighed at what seemed like another FML where people would go on about how fat the other person was. She shouldn't have said that but I was about to move on to the next FML when I realized you called her "chubby", a more appropriate term in my opinion, as opposed to "fat". Just wanted to say good for you for not being a jerk by calling someone else "this gross fat woman" like some people would. Sorry it happened though.

kyzaar 0

u should have said cuz I don't look like u

narutou546 4

wow, cause she has room to talk

Hahaha you could be like "well, we need to show our customers the stage you get to just before you become very fit =D and be a motivation to people like you that they can make it"