By really? - 16/05/2017 12:00 - United States - Concord

Today, my son told me that some kids had been picking on him at school. When I asked him to elaborate, he said that kids sometimes didn't say "Hi" back when he greeted them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 862
You deserved it 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awildwhisper 30

He's just a sensitive old soul.

I don't understand why this is an FML? Depending on his age he might not understand not everyone in the world is going to be as polite as he is. It's a dark truth most kids don't understand until early adulthood. Also, in my highschool, we had a really annoying girl who would say hi to just about every single person she sees. She got made fun of for it so I'd say tread lightly otherwise it's gonna get much worse for him. Good luck OP


awildwhisper 30

He's just a sensitive old soul.

I don't understand why this is an FML? Depending on his age he might not understand not everyone in the world is going to be as polite as he is. It's a dark truth most kids don't understand until early adulthood. Also, in my highschool, we had a really annoying girl who would say hi to just about every single person she sees. She got made fun of for it so I'd say tread lightly otherwise it's gonna get much worse for him. Good luck OP

In some cultures, shunning is worse than anything aggressive. I'm sorry your kid is a poor, little shunt.

Of course they'll look at him and say "that boy just ain't right." It's because He is in a "Southern State of Mind"

Thanks to the 2 other people who recognized the song

Sometimes being ignored hurts more than being bullied.

Lobby_Bee 17

Those other students do not deserve to be greeted. Save them for people that matter.

Exclusion / ignoring is a form of bullying, and it's just as hurtful as physical bullying.

gamefreakcon 9

Well,it is rude for them not to say anything.

You should be proud that he has manors unlike 90% of his generation. Don't condemn him because he's sensitive, just explain to him that 1) not everyone is going to reciprocate to him. And 2) that doesn't mean he shouldn't still try to acknowledge people and have manors, because his example may encourage others to follow by him. Domino affect.