
By Bubbah - 15/03/2009 04:32 - United States

Today, I was working my job checking people in at the gym. A sweaty, chubby woman came up to me complaining about how our staff seems so fit. I replied, "We like to hire people who have bodies that motivate our clients!" She gave a blank stare, then said, "So how did you get the job?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 903
You deserved it 15 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Perhaps their only other option looked like you, ma'am."


just saying that because she doesnt look like you either fat people have no class and spit out any sort of rude thing all of the time, or they are just jelous of people thinner (or the like) than they are. ive only been called ugly by fat people, so i developed this theroy.

I didn't mean to down vote your comment :(((( I've noticed this as well.... But it's more so anyone with low self-esteem or body issues, and those folks could be skinny, fat, or somewhere in between, it doesn't seem to matter..... However I would assume there are quite a few fat people with self esteem and/or body image issues, so there you go.

fb_fml 0

See how many friends that gets you #12 (if you're in America) most adults are overweight, after all.

no they're not. that's mostly texas

Maybe she was genuinely asking, "How did you find this job?" If she'd said, "Then how did you get your job here?" or something like that, I'd be offended if I were you. But the fact she said, "So how did you get your job?" makes me think maybe she was striking up a new cord of conversation. But I'd have to hear her tone, really, to know what she meant. Anyway, it does sound like she's a jealous bitch. FHL.

She's mad b/c she's fat; don't sweat it. (No pun intended.)

i have no problem making friends, #13 i have nothing against big people, untill they do that kind of crap, which the majority that i have met, do.

She's at a GYM, why the hell wouldn't the staff be fit. WTF?

Gabbymcbride 2

That's what I was thinking…

i don't understand why she was complaining, other than just to be a bitch

I kind of agree with #17, 'cause I mean, you have to have personal trainers at gym's for those who want to hire them. I'm sorry, but walking into a gym, if I hired a personal trainer, I wouldn't want them to be worse off than I am... that would kind of make me slack off and be like "until you look your part/job, don't be pushing me to look better."

She was obviously trying to be a bitch. Don't worry about her.