
By Bubbah - 15/03/2009 04:32 - United States

Today, I was working my job checking people in at the gym. A sweaty, chubby woman came up to me complaining about how our staff seems so fit. I replied, "We like to hire people who have bodies that motivate our clients!" She gave a blank stare, then said, "So how did you get the job?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 903
You deserved it 15 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Perhaps their only other option looked like you, ma'am."


inlimbo11 0

Completely agree with #31. I've noticed a lot of posters here behave like school children when discussing people who are overweight, acting as if those who are larger are subhuman and should be treated with less respect. Get off your high horse, "Bubbah."

Well, how did you get the job? Did you answer her?

how could she complain about fit people at a gym? maybe she could ask for some pointers....?

#31 & #33 are obviously overweight. How the hell does "a sweaty chubby woman came up to me complaining about how our staff seems so fit" make it sound like he/she has "some disdain towards people who are overweight"?? Dumbasses. Anyway, the woman was obviously jealous and trying to make herself feel better not only by working out but by being a total bitch to someone who probably looks a lot better than her. And if don't look better than her, than she still has no right to whine and bitch if she doesn't look like the fit people herself.

blinkingstarlet 15

#12 way to generalize overweight people. my sister is overweight and she has plenty of average weight and "skinny" friends as well as overweight friends. she doesn't hate people that look better than her... if anything i've seen more people treat her badly because she's heavy. Maybe the overweight woman was just kidding around with OP. some people have a sarcastic sense of humor. maybe you took it the wrong way.

xzombiekillax 0

You should have crammed a twinkie in her mouth and sent her on her way.

RawrrKai 0

I don't see why she's talking. She's fat too.

Sportsfreak2034 0

haha seriosuly people are so mean these days

I don't get it. Would she rather all the gym employees were huge fatties who had never done a days exercise in their life? How would that help the gym goers?