
By Bubbah - 15/03/2009 04:32 - United States

Today, I was working my job checking people in at the gym. A sweaty, chubby woman came up to me complaining about how our staff seems so fit. I replied, "We like to hire people who have bodies that motivate our clients!" She gave a blank stare, then said, "So how did you get the job?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 903
You deserved it 15 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Perhaps their only other option looked like you, ma'am."


wrestler_fml 0

Better question: How many fat people even APPLY for a job at a gym?? Good God! They got fat because they didn't have any idea what a gym even LOOKS LIKE! And if I were you, I would have been like "well ma'am, if we hired overweight people like you, then they would sweat profusely like you AS WELL, while helping with personal training... and it would turn the customers off. Also, fat people don't usually tend to apply for a job at a gym anyway, for obvious reasons. I hope I was of service. Have a good day at the gym! =)"

demonpossessed 0

Whaat? Why does she care if the staff is fit or not? Isn't that the point of a gym, to get fit? And you really cannot take advice from a stupid fat slob like her.

kandy_fml 0

She was probably just jealous. Also, why was she complaining that employees at a gym were fit? Obviously the gym isn't going to hire people who are out of shape.

lol, *****. she totally contradicted herself in that anyway...

Don't you mean "woman"? you wrote "women".

Um... I think there may be a misunderstanding here. I think that when the fat woman asked "so how did you get the job" she meant so how did you do it, how did you get as fit as you are today? Like, what's your secret? I could be wrong, but I can't imagine someone meaning it in that kind of way.

"ok well you look like you're at least twice my weight so shut the **** up and go kill yourself you ignorant fat-ass"

Assmilk 0

From the way that you described her it seems that you have some disdain towards people who are overweight, so I don't blame her at all for taking the crack that you set yourself up for.