Rejection erection

By paidback - 25/12/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I rejected my wife for sex. She then started to masturbate next to me. I got an erection. She then rejected me for sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 663
You deserved it 83 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you not deserve this? "Treat others as you would like to be treated." Go luck your wounded manhood.

Seriously. Wow. You deserved that. Good for her.


onceuponapenis 0

that's when you realize you never deny a woman for sex...unless your gay, or have a small dick...-

Briing_iit_on 0

YDI what kind of moron rejects sex and then asks for it right after? dumbass..

YDI. Your wife rocks! Hahaha. :) What goes around, comes around.

kimstirk 0

haha, genius i congratulate your partner.

leadrunner751 3

YDI , youu really thinnk thaat she wouuld say yes after youu said no ? youur dumbass .

you're an asshole and your wife is awesome. hahahahahahha.