By SuperJesus - 01/02/2009 10:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I masturbated 3 times to the thought of my wife because we don't have sex anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 458
You deserved it 8 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imdead 0

You need to look into whether or not she might be cheating on you.

That was the saddest story ever. I know what you mean, had a period where my gf and i were the same. It was the most depressing thing ever, especially when the only one you want is her and have no inclination to cheat.


Imdead 0

You need to look into whether or not she might be cheating on you.

JuliaaNoelle 26

I agree with #4. Even if she isn't cheating, you guys should have a talk and try to spice it up in the bedroom a bit.

GladstoneK 0

You shouldn't have married her then should you? School boy error.

dont marry someone cus they wont have sex? your a retard and a perv

cradle6 13

^I would say it's perfectly reasonable and normal to not want to marry someone who doesn't want sex. Male or female.

I'm guessing she is one of those stereotypes, #9. The ones where she puts out up till marriage or just after and then realises she doesn't need to do that anymore and the sex just stops.

silentfirefly 0

I agree with everyone who said this was a really depressing one. I hope things turn out okay for your marriage.

Spreed 0

This makes me sad. Life without sex isn't a life worth living!

That was the saddest story ever. I know what you mean, had a period where my gf and i were the same. It was the most depressing thing ever, especially when the only one you want is her and have no inclination to cheat.

love4animals 0