Quick thinking

By rolyat - 01/05/2012 16:41 - United States - Rochester

Today, I was getting intimate with my girlfriend for the first time. When I took my underwear off, she looked at my penis, snorted, and covered her mouth. She claimed that her "allergies" were flaring and we have to wait until they clear up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 713
You deserved it 4 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, they don't call it fun sized for nothing! ; )


It cool, I did that too when my gf took off her shirt :P

Penises are funny no matter what. Whether I'm 18 or 98, I will always be too immature to not giggle when I hear the word "penis." Sorry.

don't feel bad, size do mattet, no one likes giant ******

Wash your junk & tell her "it gets bigger with use!"

mollydarling 0

71 she must not be. but seriously youre 14 you should stop it makes you look bad (just saying)

you better start working on your hand and oral techniques, sounds like you're gonna need it. Atleast you can please your girl then, if your penis just doesn't cut it. ;)

harof1c 0

That is one ****** up girlfriend you have.if she loves you she wouldn't have laughed at you.

Prolly u were not getting enough intimate with her... and it was ur first time hey. next occasion get her aroused until there's no looking back, no matter what.

Some people think being completely bald of pubes is childish. Personally I prefer short and trimmed, looks more manly. :)