Quality family time

By really mature, GRAN - 25/12/2012 20:59 - United States - El Macero

Today, my psycho grandma yelled at me for being an "immature brat" by not offering to wash the dishes after dinner. I reminded her that when I offered last time, she raged at me for being "condescending." She responded by faking a heart attack and getting me indefinitely grounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 764
You deserved it 3 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thelindseyyy 4

...gotta love the holidays, where you're forced to deal with crazy-ass relatives.


Pyro_Wolf 17
Meow_Bitches 7

Grandma level: Like a boss! O_O So thankful that my grandmother is not like that!

Visionax2 1

Do you also have a brother who fake cries to get you in trouble? Man, you just can't win, can you?

winkydog4056 16

Wow, TWO super sensitive cockbites in one day. Auntie Bertha, the re-gift recipient, Granny Broomhilda's giving you a run for your money.

Jokes on her because she'll be paying the bill they give for calling the ambulance for nothing. If not that than try a more personal form of retaliation.

Crosswinds 8

I say give a real heart attack and be done with the bitch.