Mom of the year

By Ugly step father - 13/02/2023 15:00 - South Africa

Today, as it goes for the last 7 years, my step-daughter got her child grant and disappeared into her meth habit. Again. As per every month after being "clean" for a week. The child that "is over" drugs. The same child that calls us useless and losers. Guess who gets her child ready for school and takes her there? FML
I agree, your life sucks 817
You deserved it 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m sorry that you have to go through this. Your step daughter is caught up in one of the strongest illegal drugs ever created. It is destroying pivotal areas of the brain that dictate empathy, consequence and emotional growth. Do not expect this to get better, even if she shows a strong willingness to get clean. As previously stated, you need to seek custody of your grandchild. And if you haven’t already, you should find a Nar-Anon meeting for support and advice. They can be a very good resource when faced with the challenge of a loved one’s addiction. Best of luck.

Why have you not taken steps to gain temporary custody of the child in question? If you haven’t, you need to.


Why have you not taken steps to gain temporary custody of the child in question? If you haven’t, you need to.

I’m sorry that you have to go through this. Your step daughter is caught up in one of the strongest illegal drugs ever created. It is destroying pivotal areas of the brain that dictate empathy, consequence and emotional growth. Do not expect this to get better, even if she shows a strong willingness to get clean. As previously stated, you need to seek custody of your grandchild. And if you haven’t already, you should find a Nar-Anon meeting for support and advice. They can be a very good resource when faced with the challenge of a loved one’s addiction. Best of luck.