By gabormelchior - 23/04/2009 20:07 - United States

Today, I got dressed in what I thought was a really adorable outfit. I had a cute pink skirt on, a white tank top and silver strappy sandal heels. On my way to the mall a car pulls over and this guy asks me how much for three hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 253
You deserved it 75 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should of told him a price, had him pay in advance, and run like hell. more money for the mall

girmonkey 0

Wow that totally sucks! Was your skirt really short. That could be an explanation....


girmonkey 0

Wow that totally sucks! Was your skirt really short. That could be an explanation....

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crazy_bananas 31

It sounds a lot more like she was dressed like a god damn toddler. A slutty toddler I guess.

you should of told him a price, had him pay in advance, and run like hell. more money for the mall

lorrain_fml 0

"a knee to the groin and knuckle rings to the eyes?" ..... then again.... some guys might like that price. >.>

let this be a lesson to you, start dressing like a complete slob.

might concider reporting him... It's funny though :D And a compliment really...

yes, I love getting told I look like a hooker, I really appreciate compliments like that.