Don't try this at home

By Lunar-Spice - 07/11/2020 08:01

Today, I found out what it feels like to put in a contact while drunk. My eye still hurts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 269
You deserved it 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This gives you an opportunity to wear a cool eyepatch. You can look like a sexy pirate instead of a clumsy drunk.

power_in_the_now 19

This here might be one of the many reasons that your roommate is asking you to get help for addiction


This gives you an opportunity to wear a cool eyepatch. You can look like a sexy pirate instead of a clumsy drunk.

power_in_the_now 19

This here might be one of the many reasons that your roommate is asking you to get help for addiction