By sisisathief - 28/05/2017 08:00 - United States - Concord

Today, I caught my sister taking money from my wallet. When I confronted her, she claimed that she was actually putting back money that she had stolen earlier. She doesn't understand the irony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 230
You deserved it 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ironically report her to the police! Ironic jail is so cool!

You don't understand what irony is. There's a small chance she was trying to repent for her earlier theft, but it's much more likely that you caught her red-handed committing another one. In the latter case, what you call "irony," the rest of us call "lying."


Ironically report her to the police! Ironic jail is so cool!

Lobby_Bee 17

Well, she did get caught. The smartest thieves out there are never caught.

You don't understand what irony is. There's a small chance she was trying to repent for her earlier theft, but it's much more likely that you caught her red-handed committing another one. In the latter case, what you call "irony," the rest of us call "lying."

I caught my brother stealing from me once. It ended with him having stab wounds from a mechanical pencil and a bloody bite mark and me having a cracked rib, two badly bruised ribs, and a black eye. So... at least she didn't stab or hit you for catching her? Seriously though, inform her that if she steals from you again you'll take her to small claims court, and collect evidence for said court if she does.