
By Anonymous - 14/12/2021 05:01

Today, in frustration, I threw a spanner across the room at work, but it bounced back and hit me in the head. I woke up in an ambulance with a cracked skull and a gorgeous EMT lady. I would've tried to ask her out, but while I was out cold I'd pissed myself, and the whole ambulance reeked of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 350
You deserved it 1 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The spanner = YDI. The pissing yourself = FML

One of my best pick-up lines is: "When I'm conscious, I'm very continent. I'm so continent, I'm practically Australia." Ladies like bladder control.


The spanner = YDI. The pissing yourself = FML

One of my best pick-up lines is: "When I'm conscious, I'm very continent. I'm so continent, I'm practically Australia." Ladies like bladder control.

God has it in for you, OP. He made your spanner a boomerang, never taught you how to duck or catch, and he made you piss yourself in front an attractive woman. If you had tried asking her out, she'd probably have turned out to be married/in a committed relationship/lesbian/asexual/other, based on your prior luck that day.

that's probably for the best, nothing like being hit on while you're at work and just trying to be polite 🤦‍♀️