By Anonymous - 29/05/2013 15:21 - United States

Today, I fainted. Instead of stopping to help, some guy stopped to draw a penis on my forehead. The EMT laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 297
You deserved it 3 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It just goes to show that Freud was right: Subconciously, dicks are always on your mind.

Cum on op, he was just trying to lighten the mood. :)


Wow, what a witty and original comment. Maybe you could put some actual thought into it next time?

Your comments are supposed to be "the shit" when you're #1....damn......

RedPillSucks 31

The pressure to be #1 causes some people to go for the short comment. If they have to think up a witty comment, they'll be #27

its like everyone forgot the golden rule... if you pass out with your shoes on, youre fair game

you can't really do much to help someone that fainted, pretty much just elevate their legs; but thats still really messed up.

I have just discovered that people somehow faint for no reason. People never cease to amaze me.

Even if it's not caused by a persistent underlying medical condition, there's always an immediate, physiological reason for fainting.

Yea pretty short-sighted to say that it's for no reason. Anyway there are far more shocking truths than spontaneous fainting.

At least you're ok! Hopefully the penis wasn't drawn with a permanent marker!

kristabelli 19

Am I the only one wondering just how real a "faint" this was, when OP seems to know exactly what happened while they were out?

Cum on op, he was just trying to lighten the mood. :)

Seriously. He saw the opportunity and took it. Youre lucky it wasnt his penis

True, 43. But how do we know that the guy didn't trace his penis on OP? Lol

Hahaha very true. Check for face crabs Op

It just goes to show that Freud was right: Subconciously, dicks are always on your mind.

MrClean17 15

Looks like a few people are stuck in their high school days

enormouselephant 15

The pen is very helpful in saving life's.

Life's what? WHAT? The suspense is killing me.

RadeonDerp 24
monnanon 13

well technically you can use a ballpoint pen for emergencies. you remove the ink filled bit and stab the plastic into the windpipe to aid breathing. i cant remember the medical name for it though. it may just be on medical dramas though hehe. im pretty sure it can be used directly to the lungs too.

akimes94 5

Graffiti in a whole new level

perdix 29

Everyone is this story is a ********.