Party Hard!

By Livewire - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it's New Year's Eve. My husband and I weren't invited to any parties, and we don't have a sitter to be able to go out by ourselves. Instead, I'm watching "Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2" on the Disney channel with our 5-year-old, and my husband has passed out on the couch from sheer boredom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 273
You deserved it 7 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, you're with your family :) what more can you ask for? Be happy you guys are all together whether it is of "sheer boredom". Happy New Year!

New Years shouldn't always be about going out and partying. Be thankful for your family and stop being so stuck-up.


xShannonxSammyx 7

You got to spend time with your family! :) Be happy.

xShannonxSammyx 7

FMLs have to go through filters before they're posted, so FMLs like "Mii B0YFRANN BROKE UP WIFF MEH ;(" don't get through. It takes time- and don't forget, some places have time zones 12 hours behind and ahead of you.

Consider yourself lucky, he could have been the one watching it.

I spent new years playing spider solitaire. Atleast you got to spend it with your family, no matter how boring it was.

no1gotmyusername 0
RockstarRN 10

You could be watching people puke waking up with a massive hangover, or be without a husband and child, look at your glass half full and not half empty.

madiishuman 0

that movie is even shittier than the first.

That's not a FML. Be grateful for what you have.

" That's not a FML. Be grateful for what you have. " moderated??

TheCarChanel 0

Can't tell if you're trolling, being Captain Obvious, or just being plain stupid.

Enjoy it while you can. They don't stay young forever.

Suck it up. My New Years in Australia consisted of only me and my mum, my dad in bed for work in the morning. And I was playing Skyrim. By myself. You had it better.