My precious

By Anonymous - 26/12/2020 14:02

Today, I had some flagstones put down to fix a muddy place where my horses stand, in a part of the woods that is only accessible on foot. The flagstones weigh about 30 kilos apiece and you can easily get them for free on the internet, yet someone went to the trouble to steal them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 878
You deserved it 71

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe the stones are free, but I doubt anyone is delivering hundreds of kilos of anything for free. My guess is that it's someone who really hates you and your horses.

tounces7 27

I doubt someone stole them to use them, it's probably a neighbor who doesn't like you.


if there easy to get on the internet for free then why would stores bother to sell them?

Because only one guy wants to drive two hours to lift 30kg stones for three hours and pay for a new car suspension, and this guy already stole the horse's path.

tounces7 27

There are lots of things that you can potentially get for free that stores sell. Because it's -easier- to get at a store, so people still buy it.

Maybe the stones are free, but I doubt anyone is delivering hundreds of kilos of anything for free. My guess is that it's someone who really hates you and your horses.

tounces7 27

I doubt someone stole them to use them, it's probably a neighbor who doesn't like you.

Nowhere did OP say they had the flagstones placed on their property. It sounds like it was on public property or someone else’s property. If that’s the case OP had no more right to place the flagstones there than someone else had to take them.