By anon - 03/09/2017 21:45 - Belgium - Aarschot

Today, after an exhausting renovation, we finally took some time to cook a nice dinner. We got to relax for a full hour before our downstairs neighbour informed us that any water we use leaks through her ceiling. Four experts came. No one can find the leak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 362
You deserved it 234

Top comments

Imagine being a "Water expert". That's a cool job title. Better than Plumber.

Ipso facto, your neighbor is insane! If four experts can’t find the leak, your neighbor is imagining it or squirting it there herself.


Ipso facto, your neighbor is insane! If four experts can’t find the leak, your neighbor is imagining it or squirting it there herself.

Zachary8261 28

5 bucks says she's faking it.

Maybe check and see if there is a leak in your neighbors sanity?

Can you send me some of those chocolates from Belgium?

Imagine being a "Water expert". That's a cool job title. Better than Plumber.

Then it must be a leak from their end which would be no issue from you. They would have to find it and fix it.

Maybe these experts do not wish to admit their mistake and have to pay to get it all fixed.