By Life of the party - 19/08/2009 05:13 - France

Today, I threw a party while my parents were gone. I forgot that our alarm automatically turns on at 11 pm, so when people opened the door, it went off. I couldn't find the number for the alarm company, so the cops showed up. Everyone started cheering because they thought they were strippers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 875
You deserved it 55 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

Yeah...cause strippers show up in cop cars -_- Your friends must have been really drunk not to know that.

Strippers that show up in cars with strobe lights? DAMN! YOU MUSTA PUT IN EXTRA!


I call BS! If you are at a party at a friend's house who "lives with their parents" and the cops roll your first thought is not gonna be strippers its gonna be that the party is getting rolled...well unless you are a complete idiot.

citycrazed25 0

YDI for not remembering the code

ohh man that blows! but it was pretty funny to read hahaha.

IUsed2 0

XFD i knew from the very first sentece that YDI and you did not dissappoint man

Oh, that word was supposed to be off, not of, that might make a bit more sense...

This is horrible, and totally your fault (and if that were my kid they'd never be left alone again)... but also kinda hilarious that your dumb-a** friends thought they were strippers, hahaha.

triplethreat13 0

murphy's law: anything that can go wrong will go wrong. especially if you are under pressure or anxiety, which would have been caused by doing something you're not supposed to. YDI.

are u sure they wernt strippers, maybe your parents called them lol, but that must really suck