Padded out

By Ian - 18/04/2009 14:24 - United States

Today, I had a surgery to remove a cyst from my butt. Afterwards, the doctor told me that the cyst was bigger than he initially thought, it would still secrete fluids for two weeks, and the best remedy for this was to wear a Maxi Pad. I'm a guy, and am currently wearing a Maxi Pad on my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 870
You deserved it 6 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CherishFlowers 0

LMAO, nice. Imagine if someone heard you changing your pad in the bathroom... haha

How the hell do you get a cyst on your ass?


Now you sort of know how it feels. FYL. PS - Always is a great brand.

Hilarious, I just got a cyst on my ass drained two days ago. I can't sit down.

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!! oh shit, that's funny.

britt2301 0

idk about the rest of the females who commented on this, but i don't have to wear maxi pads every month..they have this new inention called a tampon.. I've had a pilonidal cyst removed as well. I had the surgery, rather than having it lanced, and my doctor still had me pack it with gauze until it healed from the inside out. so i definitely feel bad for you.

ccsballazdre 8

Well when your in the store, saying your buying them for your girlfriend. lol


nuiwiggle 0

at least you didnt have to wear it on your taint like i did. friggin cellulitis.

that happens. at least, it happened to Edge. (the wrestler)

dude. i feel ya. samething happened to me :-(