Padded out

By Ian - 18/04/2009 14:24 - United States

Today, I had a surgery to remove a cyst from my butt. Afterwards, the doctor told me that the cyst was bigger than he initially thought, it would still secrete fluids for two weeks, and the best remedy for this was to wear a Maxi Pad. I'm a guy, and am currently wearing a Maxi Pad on my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 870
You deserved it 6 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CherishFlowers 0

LMAO, nice. Imagine if someone heard you changing your pad in the bathroom... haha

How the hell do you get a cyst on your ass?


would you rather have anal seepage? i'd think not

randomdude1234 0

Ok dude what I'm about to tell you is very important. I had 4 surgeries within one year. Mine would get smaller then larger. There is a revolutionary procedure if it recurs. Of all the people who have gotten the procedure not one has had recurring problems with the cyst. It's called a CLEFT LIFT PROCEDURE. It helped me so much after months of pain and suffering. I had the surgery and was fully healed within a week and havent had problems since. Check it out!

crash_and_burn 0

i thought i was having such a bad day then i read this and im so much happier :) thanks for making me smile

efmivida 0

at least you dont have to do it every month you ahole

lmfao that happened to some guy i know. but he was on a date, and he had to be careful of the way he sat. it was hysterical

Suck it up, it isn't that bad, and at least your cyst is gone now.

heatherfeather 4

please.... your life is not ****** up. my boyfriend had to do the same thing. would you rather still be bleeding from your ass even worse with the cyst still there? and so what if you have to wear a maxi pad? no one will see it. and if it is such a big deal, just pack it with gause and stop whining

Okay, seriously, who cares? It's better than having bodily fluids everywhere. Hope you have more appreciation for females now, though, since we have to go through that for a week every month.

ladybeatle 0

All the ladies complaining about their periods in this post are pissing me off. As a female myself, I have experienced both monthly periods AND a recurring pilonidal cyst. They suck. Major. I've had three surgeries and sometimes it still leaks, like if I'm sitting down for too long, it builds up from the pressure. Most of the time you can't sit right or lie on your back--after surgery I spent a week just lying in bed on my stomach. Pilonidal cysts can be a lifetime problem if not dealt with early on, and thus they're just as frustrating as periods that come once a month. It's also an embarrassing problem, as oftentimes you need to keep that area (top of your asscrack) clean and free of hairs, which means shaving. Could you shave your asscrack by yourself? I don't think so. Same thing goes for changing bandages if you have the cyst lanced (the doctor takes the cyst out but leaves the wound open so it can heal 'naturally' from the inside out) Sooo...not like periods don't suck, but clearly you don't understand the pain and frustration of a pilonidal cyst, either.