One Day…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia - Gosford

Today, I paused the movie my girlfriend and I were watching and told her, for the first time, that I loved her. Her response was to stare at me silently for a few seconds before unpausing the film. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 718
You deserved it 7 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whether this is an FML or YDI depends on the movie.


Well depends on how long you've been together. I'd do the same thing if it has been less than 6 months if I'm being honest.

Jordath_Fil 11

Dude! You don't pause the movie! That's just rude...

Obey_StudBoii 23

Lol NEVER interrupt a woman while she watches her movie

Werken247 14

You should never expect to hear "I love you" back the first time you say it. If it's how you feel that's great, give it freely and be happy you expressed yourself. Don't expect it in return until they are ready to give it just as freely.

Might be too early in the relationship and she just didn't know how to respond

Telling someone I love you during a movie is definitely not the right moment. How is that romantic or memorable? Also, always wait for the girl to say it first, always. That way you can be the one that handles the situation instead of having the situation handle you. I'm sorry for your awkward moment and unrequited affection, but YDI.