Scarfing it down

By Anonymous - 25/03/2024 10:00 - United States

Today, my mom sent me home with some delicious-looking BBQ ribs because I'd missed a cookout due to work. I set them on the counter, intent on putting them in the oven, but had to make a quick run to the bathroom. I came back to find my roommate's cat sitting in the plate, covered in sauce, as he helped himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 346
You deserved it 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiptoppc 19

Cook the cat. He’s even marinating himself! How could you not?!?!?

LOL. Dwight, RIP, used to come up to us whenever we had barbecue and make big, pathetic eyes and meow to try and convince us to share morsels. He usually got told that we kept him around to eat mice, not barbecue. He did have a right to a share of toona whenever that got broken out, though. His little brother Luna has inherited all toona rights and responsibilities of the household, but has much less interest in that weird hooman meat. Might be why he catches more mice than Dwight did...


tiptoppc 19

Cook the cat. He’s even marinating himself! How could you not?!?!?

LOL. Dwight, RIP, used to come up to us whenever we had barbecue and make big, pathetic eyes and meow to try and convince us to share morsels. He usually got told that we kept him around to eat mice, not barbecue. He did have a right to a share of toona whenever that got broken out, though. His little brother Luna has inherited all toona rights and responsibilities of the household, but has much less interest in that weird hooman meat. Might be why he catches more mice than Dwight did...

Cats and dogs are not people. They are attracted by food and don’t care whose it is. Cats can jump to the counter… You know you live with at cat (yours or not). Don’t leave food out even for a minute unwatched. You could have put the food in the microwave or a covered container for safekeeping. It’s annoying, but you are the responsible party.