Not the sharpest tool

By Mothering - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I took my 16 year-old daughter to get a bank account, taking her birth certificate with us as requested. When the teller wrote her name down on a piece of paper, my daughter said, "How do you know my name?" The teller just looked at her and held up her birth certificate. I raised a nitwit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 544
You deserved it 12 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MyPupRox 2

shes a keeper, dont worry, theres always clown university ;)

Am I the only one who feels sorry for the daughter? I mean , maybe she wasn't paying attention or maybe she spaced out a little. I think her mother saying ' I raised a nitwit' is a bit harsh. She's your frigging daughter woman.


lucy_moff09 0

Why do so many misadventures on this site include 16 year-old daughters? :)

AngelLove251987 0

u can't call your daughter nitwit just because of that. it obvious she wasn't paying attention

And your a mother dogging her child for an innocent mistake on an application designed for teenagers...the Apple landed directly under the tree

HatedLooser 0

Yep. That's Australia for you. Where the average teenage girl is dumber than a bag of hammers.....

Country29 16

Not that i have much room to talk, but is she blonde?

elilucas55 0