Not the sharpest tool

By Mothering - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I took my 16 year-old daughter to get a bank account, taking her birth certificate with us as requested. When the teller wrote her name down on a piece of paper, my daughter said, "How do you know my name?" The teller just looked at her and held up her birth certificate. I raised a nitwit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 544
You deserved it 12 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MyPupRox 2

shes a keeper, dont worry, theres always clown university ;)

Am I the only one who feels sorry for the daughter? I mean , maybe she wasn't paying attention or maybe she spaced out a little. I think her mother saying ' I raised a nitwit' is a bit harsh. She's your frigging daughter woman.


DysfunctionalK 7

That's too funny. I'm 16, and my mom just opened an account for me. I felt really childish, but at least I knew how they knew my name ;)

mash up half a sleeping tablet with some tuna. only half though or you will ruin it's liver. our cat had problems with cancer in the end the vet gave us this remedy to let the poor feller sleep.

but she's YOUR nitwit. just be proud that you have successfully raised a child :)

xoxo_cherri_xoxo 6

what is it with all of these idiot 16 year old daughter fmls?

lehzgo 5

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

sarah_cheverie 0

I agree, if someone just makes a small mistake, such as forgetting/ not knowing a birth certificate, they deserve to be a nitwit? Then everyone is one. Everyone who might make a mistake. OP is just rude to her daughter, maybe the daughter didn't even know that they needed the birth certificate..*Ragequit*

MsRandomKatie 0

well if it was a new experience for her, maybe she wasn't aware you had to bring the birth certificate an didn't see you hand it to him. So maybe YDI for being harsh on your own child for no real reason.

I completely agree. Even if she was aware of the birth certificate maybe she just wasn't paying attention for a minute and it just threw her off for a second. Everyone makes little mistakes like that, to call your own daughter a nitwit over something so small is rather harsh.