Not the sharpest tool

By Mothering - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I took my 16 year-old daughter to get a bank account, taking her birth certificate with us as requested. When the teller wrote her name down on a piece of paper, my daughter said, "How do you know my name?" The teller just looked at her and held up her birth certificate. I raised a nitwit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 544
You deserved it 12 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MyPupRox 2

shes a keeper, dont worry, theres always clown university ;)

Am I the only one who feels sorry for the daughter? I mean , maybe she wasn't paying attention or maybe she spaced out a little. I think her mother saying ' I raised a nitwit' is a bit harsh. She's your frigging daughter woman.


davek 36

Pfft, and you took her to get a bank account. Lol.

StephDevotchka 0

Don't worry when I opened up my account the guy got my birthdate wrong even though it was on my I.D. -__-

thrAsHeRr9081 16

What is that mess of letters up there?!?!? Please stay in school kiddo.

kiraleann 16

Oh lord, this isn't even that bad. As mentioned several times before, your daughter might have just not been paying very close attention or forgotten the bank teller had her birth certificate in hand. Her asking how the teller knew her name doesn't necessarily make her a nitwit, but your jumping to the conclusion that she must be dumb because of a simple mistake like that suggests that you might be.

or thought she had one of those birth certificates without a name listed

Fakeddd 0

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Plus, you're the nitwit because you think a 16 year old will pay that much attention to his/her surroundings.

Today, I looked on and my mom called a nitwit. FML