Not the sharpest tool

By Mothering - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I took my 16 year-old daughter to get a bank account, taking her birth certificate with us as requested. When the teller wrote her name down on a piece of paper, my daughter said, "How do you know my name?" The teller just looked at her and held up her birth certificate. I raised a nitwit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 544
You deserved it 12 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MyPupRox 2

shes a keeper, dont worry, theres always clown university ;)

Am I the only one who feels sorry for the daughter? I mean , maybe she wasn't paying attention or maybe she spaced out a little. I think her mother saying ' I raised a nitwit' is a bit harsh. She's your frigging daughter woman.


the nitwit is you for being a judgmental parent. If she is a "nitwit", then you are a bigger one for not raising her right!

PoserPunx 0

don't think she deserves to be called a nitwit. how was she to know that you provided her with B.C. people shouldn't just jump to conclusions and assume things. jus' sayin'.

Not the brightest bulb in the pack huh?...

man_in_black08 28

I don't think you deserve to have children, OP.

That's what I hate about today's parents. They blame school while ignoring their own fundamental role in raising and educating a child. Education begins at home; that's where the child grows up as a person, where she learns moral values and acquires common sense. School is only to learn productive skills so your kid could get a job as an adult. They teach your kid Math, Language, History, some Science and Art, etc., but they don't teach your daughter how to figure out things like this one.

hateevryone 14

she was just having a "dumb" moment. we all have "dumb" moments

what's with all of the dumb teenage daughter FMLs?