Not a Bio major

By Anonymous - 27/06/2011 13:55 - United States

Today, my boyfriend said that to be extra careful he's been taking my birth control pills too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 100
You deserved it 8 135

Same thing different taste


waywil 0

Never breed with this guy! The world is full of idiots as it is! How old is this guy and how the hell did he live to be that age?

Steve95401 49

Now he'll have PMS every month. What an Einstein!

brenda83002 2

you make your"girls" wear condoms??? your b-date says you were born in 1994. that would make you 16/17 yrs old... how could you have kids? either way if you are that young them you're still a child and need to wait by law til you're an adult to be having sex sound as dumb as OP's bf.

your bf is a tard, take him to a sex Ed class or your obgyn to explain his stupidity to him.

laliique_31 0
butterflyz1961 2
Laxbro1996 0

he just wanted to control those terrible mood swings