Not a Bio major

By Anonymous - 27/06/2011 13:55 - United States

Today, my boyfriend said that to be extra careful he's been taking my birth control pills too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 100
You deserved it 8 135

Same thing different taste


KatieDidnt 0
EarAcheMyEYE10 2

OP... tell your Moron boyfriend to take his femiron in the morning, douche regularly and Midol for the really bad headaches... then give him some Maxie pads for those "heavy days"... and if he does any of that... dump that ******** before you procreate and have a bunch of little morons!!!

FMLsOhilarious 6

Lol, I hope you talk your boyfriend into going to the doctor to make sure they haven't affected him too badly. Fucken idiot.

funny guy huh? i bet hes jokes are hilarious not.

really, pretty soon he won't need you anymore

mandersiam 0