By Anonymous - 30/05/2011 18:11 - United States

Today, my second roommate in less then a week got a DUI. Both roommates are demanding that I drive them around for free until they get their licenses back, or else they won't have the funds to pay their rent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 978
You deserved it 3 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doyers11 0

when they ask for a ride, give them the bus routes and schedules

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1

Ass, Gas, or Grass- Nobody Rides for Free :D


doyers11 0

when they ask for a ride, give them the bus routes and schedules

This "fml" is grammatically incorrect. It should read "less THAN", not "less then."

Boygenius50 8

Stop hating, you faggots. Don't be mad 'cause y'all have horrible grammar.

SkyHiLyfe_808 0
SkyHiLyfe_808 0

Exactly, OP should just find new roommates, not be subject to the ridiculous demands of the inconsiderate roommates.

tell em theyre shit outta luck unless u get gas money

sensoon15 7

or OP could just drive them and drop them a mile away from their destination then scream out the window "NEXT TIME DON'T BE A ******* RETARD TO DRIVE DRUNK" then they drive off.

Gas money wouldn't cut it, IMO. Shuttling multiple people around is a huge pain in the ass. I can see doing it for a friend who can't drive for medical reasons, or helping someone out when their car breaks down. Even then, I'd take issue with them demanding it instead of asking for a favor. But no way some drunk-driving dipshit is going to force me to play Soccer Mom. Get the hell out, OP. This won't end well.

a_nutritionist 10

start selling their stuff on ebay :D

it depends if you're rich or not if you can afford the petrol go ahead if not charge them the petrol money

thebestof1984 0

Move, get your ass out of there fast!

you_failed 15

Wow. That sucks OP. They can take public transportation at least. You're just being taken advantage and by the sound of it, they kinda sound irresponsible. Time for new roomies mate ASAP. :]

Tell the dumbasses, there's buses, bike, trains, and taxi, oh and charge them 50 each. Week for your service.