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By Anonymous - 23/06/2022 04:00

Today, I washed my backpack. Unfortunately, I forgot to empty that ONE little pocket inside, so I also washed 5 bucks, a mirror, some tissues and a notepad. Now my backpack is full of mirror shards and thousands of tiny pieces of paper-fuzz. FML
I agree, your life sucks 408
You deserved it 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bidet 8

That's not the way to launder money.

Could be worse - Could have been more than $5 and a mirror lost. Try washing and drying an ink pen and ruining a load of clothes… You create a routine, when you get home empty your pockets into a safe place in your room - same place every time. Then when you put your clothes or backpack in the hamper or washer, re-check every time that there’s nothing in it. That will save you a lot more than a $5 bill and a mirror.


2deployments1divorce 11

You managed to kill money by washing it. congratulations

bidet 8

That's not the way to launder money.

Could be worse - Could have been more than $5 and a mirror lost. Try washing and drying an ink pen and ruining a load of clothes… You create a routine, when you get home empty your pockets into a safe place in your room - same place every time. Then when you put your clothes or backpack in the hamper or washer, re-check every time that there’s nothing in it. That will save you a lot more than a $5 bill and a mirror.