Nice guy

By fiercehawk - 18/02/2014 05:45 - United States - Fort Wayne

Today, I went on a blind date. At the end of the night, I told him I had a surprisingly great time. He replied, "Yeah, that was fun. You're really funny and smart. If you were pretty, I'd totally go out with you again." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 189
You deserved it 5 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thebigslim 13

Guess he wishes he was 'blind' on that date.


purrypie 9

:( Sorry OP! You are pretty tho

nitrog100 21

There's no compromising on attraction. He was just being honest.

icepick23 12

How did he know if he was blind? #confused

some people simply think they're all that and dont learn to appreciate what's at hand

iAshelle 11

You are beautiful in your own way :)

there's so much wrong with this i can't even. True not everyone is going to find the same person attractive, but the guy was a dick about it. I bet OP is quite lovely and to think that being smart and funny basically don't matter unless you're "pretty" is messed up. Especially if he claims he'd totally go out with you again.