Nice guy

By fiercehawk - 18/02/2014 05:45 - United States - Fort Wayne

Today, I went on a blind date. At the end of the night, I told him I had a surprisingly great time. He replied, "Yeah, that was fun. You're really funny and smart. If you were pretty, I'd totally go out with you again." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 189
You deserved it 5 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thebigslim 13

Guess he wishes he was 'blind' on that date.


And at the end of a lovely evening he took the mask off to reveal.....a total asshole.

an3ph 20

Response: Too bad you aren't any of those. See ya, loser.

To be fair, I'm a strong believer in the 50% physical 50% personal attraction thing, it's not fair to the partner to only be half 2 cents anyhue.

middlenamefrank 8

"And if you weren't an asshole, I'd accept."

first thing that came to my mind was neopets.

What an idiot. I'm sure you are very pretty.

jamie1272 8

Don't let what he said get to you. He is probably a d bag anyways