Nice guy

By fiercehawk - 18/02/2014 05:45 - United States - Fort Wayne

Today, I went on a blind date. At the end of the night, I told him I had a surprisingly great time. He replied, "Yeah, that was fun. You're really funny and smart. If you were pretty, I'd totally go out with you again." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 189
You deserved it 5 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thebigslim 13

Guess he wishes he was 'blind' on that date.


Wow. Even if he didn't find you attractive, he just ruined any shot at friendship with you, too, by being such a douche. It's rare to really find people we connect to, so he shouldn't burn his bridges like that, especially not by making you feel like crap in the process. There are plenty of guys out there that will appreciate your intellect and wit; don't let this asshole get you down!

I hope you punched him in the face. What a dick!!!


Aww OP, I'm sorry. That was unnecessary for him to say. You don't need him anyways. You'll find someone who not only thinks you have an amazing personality, but who admires your looks as well. Don't write off every guy because of one jerk :)

Yup, you had a blind date with a shallow douchebag :( FYL OP. Don't worry, there'll be others who will have more depth than a puddle of piss.

You can't help it if your ugly. Find someone that's more your flavor

Vanshikap 24

OP,there's a reason that guy goes on blind dates. you sound awesome,I'm sure you'll find someone soon:)