By SoccerBabe42 - 26/12/2011 12:11 - Canada

Today, I went on a blind date. All my date would talk about was how he was "really his own best friend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 945
You deserved it 3 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sometimes the best conversations you have are the ones with yourself.

katsteak 0

Well you can hardly trust anyone now.


katsteak 0

Well you can hardly trust anyone now.

Technically, that doesn't need to be corrected. But if you insist, do it right. Nowadays*

xXxIracebethxXx 14

#1- Agreed! People suck. OP- So what? At least he trusts himself. Some (most?) people are insecure about themselves and don't even trusts themselves like that. Just try to open him up a little. You never know, you can still make an awesome friend (:

broken_red_wagon 6

:D this guy sounds like a fun person! Maybe i wouldn't date him but it sounds like he could offer a different perspective.

Is he his own girlfriend, too? since he beats his how farret.

AlaskanEskimo34 0
frankothetanko 0

? I don't understand what your trying to say

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

Sometimes the best conversations you have are the ones with yourself.

Muslimgal92 0

Haha well it is called blind date! You never know what weirdo is going to come:)

xoxPatrina 8

Awh, he's a loner. He needs a good woman in his life(;

sugarandspice33 0

Wow somebody is a loner... Get him an imaginary friend!!! Problem solved.

d(^_^)b "Aaaaw friend, aaaw new friend, friend!"... The Inbetweeners, anyone?

Well, I guess that's one step better than having an imaginary friend as a best friend! :-)

Mr25_fml 14

so if him and his best friend ever fight over a girl.... *ponders*