Neighbors from hell

By Myself - 06/09/2010 10:45 - United States

Today, after a few months of my neighbor's friend parking outside his house and honking until he came outside, I happened to be out doing lawn work. I politely screamed, "STOP HONKING YOUR F***ING HORN!" To which they responded by moving in front of MY house and holding down their horn. I hate people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 491
You deserved it 16 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTSchool 0

You 'politely screamed'? I never knew people could scream... with manners.

DisappearingRose 18

haha, that sucks. I would've gotten mad too though


Politely screamed(: you're a winner just for saying you politely screamed that!

Narwhal234 6

Start hitting the car with the lawn-mower. It's just a suggestion.

trust me man, I would've done the same thing as that driver, there is no 'polite' way of 'yelling' "stop honking your ****** horn", I woulda yelled back stop yapping your ****** mouth haha, to see how u feel about someone yelling at u

Splayd 10

It is written in the Bible, "A soft answer turneth away wrath." I empathize with your annoyance, and I agree that they were rude to do that; however, you never once requested that they cease this exasperating activity before rudely yelling at them. Then, of course, they could not ask that you apologize, but instead, began being even more annoying because people are stupid, prideful creatures.

That happens to me too but thats what I get for living in New York some people like to sleep in the city that NEVER sleeps

Bigdanish9785 3

How do you say f***ing politely? Please pass the F***ING salt

WeezysGurl05 1

I would have smashed his window & said honk now bit**. Ha

iBiteRoses 22

To all the people who commented or are about to comment about how shouting that kind of thing isn't polite... I'd assume it was a JOKE. As in, they weren't SERIOUS. Just so we can move on from that.

I'm sorry but how do you politely scream "f*ck?"