Exes from hell

By what the actual fuck?! - 02/08/2021 07:01 - United States

Today, my psychotic ex-boyfriend hit a brand new low. I was served court papers, saying that he’s suing me by demanding I give him a paternity test for my daughter. He’s also telling everyone he’s her real father. He and I were broken up for more than a year before I even got pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 194
You deserved it 91

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go on Maury and he'll get: "You are...NOT the father." The people he lied to will see that. Problem solved.

See the silver lining: you're probably really glad you're not dating him anymore. Better than having a dreamy ex whom you miss dearly, don't you think?


Go on Maury and he'll get: "You are...NOT the father." The people he lied to will see that. Problem solved.

See the silver lining: you're probably really glad you're not dating him anymore. Better than having a dreamy ex whom you miss dearly, don't you think?

Sounds like a paternity test is just the thing to get rid of him

Moezzz 6

Let him take a paternity test. When it comes back negative, sue him for defamation and all the grief you went through.