NCIS: Dumbass Response Team

By Sweet Jesus - 18/06/2020 14:02

Today, when my almost-16-year-old asked if the 9-1-1 phone number was named after 9/11, I forgave her because she wasn't even born when it happened, but when my 18-year-old asked if jelly comes from jellyfish, I wondered if I've failed as a parent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 415
You deserved it 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kraths 16

Don’t feel bad. My parents actually managed to convince my brother that chocolate milk comes from brown cows for well over 18 years

It's ok that they're stupid. Our society is well-suited to sustain a large stupid population (although we're testing the limits now.) Don't blow your 18-year-old's mind by telling them there's no butter in peanut butter.


Kraths 16

Don’t feel bad. My parents actually managed to convince my brother that chocolate milk comes from brown cows for well over 18 years

It's ok that they're stupid. Our society is well-suited to sustain a large stupid population (although we're testing the limits now.) Don't blow your 18-year-old's mind by telling them there's no butter in peanut butter.

samomaha 17

Ask the 18 year old if s/he knows why they are called "sperm whales". When she says, "No", just smile and walk away!!

Failed as a parent... We taught our 9 year old 9-1-1 a few years ago...

Hey don’t be too hard on them, they weren’t born when jelly was created either. Lol

It’s okay, they also weren’t born when jelly was invented.

ViviMage 38

Maybe the 18 year old watched Spongebob?

I say this a lot, but until 25 or so, there's a LOT of brain growth happening, and it can cause some very strange moments. Just be patient and explain things, and they'll grow out of it.

MxCrix3333 10

Wait, as in the product or the term? If it is about the term, that's not dumb. If it is about product, that is concerning. I just looked it up, and if anyone is curious: the reason they are called "jellyfish" is literally because of their jelly-like bodies. The term "jelly" comes from the 14th century and the term "jellyfish" from the 18th century.