By StungAlot - 12/06/2019 06:18

Today, I got stung by jellyfish. As I writhed in pain on the beach, my dad comes up and asks me to be quiet, that I'm embarrassing him. He also mentioned that jellyfish were out today and that I should be careful. Thanks, dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 833
You deserved it 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should count your blessings that he didn't try to pee on the sting...

Just don’t let someone pee on you. I mean unless you’re into that. I agree though, jellyfish Stings hurt like a bitch. I was stung like three times when we were on the East Coast trip and I hate the ocean anyway and those little ******* made it worse.


You should count your blessings that he didn't try to pee on the sting...

Erm, you got a very observant dad there... not!

Just don’t let someone pee on you. I mean unless you’re into that. I agree though, jellyfish Stings hurt like a bitch. I was stung like three times when we were on the East Coast trip and I hate the ocean anyway and those little ******* made it worse.

Pour vinegar on the sting; it'll help.

Yep, I frequently bring vinegar with me when I go to the beach. Same as every other normal person. ...oh wait...

Jessepowers 9

you should be more aware knowing that jelly fish was out that day. it's your fault you were stung so suck it up