
By the_dog_sitter - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was walking my friend's dog around the neighborhood, I watched as a little girl fall off her bike. I let go of the dog and ran over to help. The girl was OK but the dog ran into the street and got hit by a truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 985
You deserved it 25 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

goddamn, don't just leave the dog like that;/


goddamn, don't just leave the dog like that;/

lelanatty 0

exactly. You totally deserve whatever you get from our good friend karma on this one. have you never fallen off a bike, OP?

hairt 4

wtf.. don't ever leave dogs especially when you're out. that girl has legs and a brain she knows what to do. even if you wanted to help, you couldve brought the dog together with you.

of course this one was your fault, why would you be so careless with your friends dog? it wasn't even yours.

**** that little girl...the dog is more important.

why did you let go of the dog, idiot? i know exactly how your friend ******* feels, since my dog got hit by a truck a few years ago. it was one of the most awful things i've experienced in my life. you're a horrible person.

Guys calm down I get it I love dogs to. And he is an Idiot YDI

iipinkette 16

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Seriously? Falling off a bike is not that bad. If the girl was thrown off and did five flips in the air before she landed on her neck, well then maybe it would be acceptable to let go of everything and run to her. But damn I feel sorry that someone like you was walking that dog

When are nice people going to learn to be dicks? It's the only rewarding road to take.

That is called being a "douchebag." Ever heard of that term? Nobody likes a douchebag. No-body.