By anonymous - 28/12/2010 18:03 - Canada

Today, while driving home from basketball practice, I noticed an old lady struggling to get up from a fall. I stopped to help her up and make sure she was fine, and in the meantime, a teenager decided to hop into my car and crash it into a telephone pole and run away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 089
You deserved it 4 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

memo619 0

I would have chased that little ****** down and beat the puberty out of him


fakeaccountX 6

It's a CONSPIRACY! The old lady fell on purpose so that her grandson could steal your car!

frootietootie 0

exactly what I was thinking! beware of the grandama and her grandson! their on the run!!!!

shitty. shoulda took the keys with you instead of leaving it the ignition

tip: when you get out of the car in an emergency, always take the keys.

wow you guys would do horrible in an emergency

There are so many FMLs about people helping other people and getting mugged that I'm scared to help someone :( **** your life, OP.

memo619 0

I would have chased that little ****** down and beat the puberty out of him

perdix 29

YDI for interfering with the natural means of thinning the herd.

She shoulda had Life-Alert! "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"

43, OnStar is for car crashes. LifeAlert is a necklace old people wear that contacts the police when they press a button on it.